Wind- and kitesurfing
The wind is a great playmate – not least when you’re at the coast and have a board under your feet. You can always find somewhere in the sea off the coast of Southern Jutland that has good surfing conditions.
28-year-old Rikke Nissen is in an ideal position to confirm this claim. She’s been surfing for 16 years as an active member of Als Windsurfing Club. She began as a windsurfer, later trying her hand at kitesurfing, before returning to her first love.
According to Rikke Nissen there are always good places to surf, regardless of the direction of the wind. For beginners, the east coast is the best place to learn, whilst the North Sea, which is almost constantly windy, offers optimum conditions for experts. Rikke recommends the following three places in particular:

Photo:Niclas Jessen
Close to the dam between Kegnæs and Als is a small area of water which the locals call Lillehavet. When the wind is blowing from the southeast, the conditions are perfect for kitesurfers. In this case, the wind is more constant and blows over the dam without gusting. According to Rikke, Lillehavet is better for kitesurfers than windsurfers, as at some places seagrass can become entangled in the fins on a surfboard.
A westerly wind and waves constantly crashing onto the west-facing coasts represent perfect conditions for skilled windsurfers and kitesurfers. The waves can reach heights of up to two metres, so beginners shouldn’t surf here except on very calm days.
Bredsten and Østerby:
On the south side of Kegnæs there are good conditions for both kitesurfing and windsurfing. On some days the waves are big, whilst on others they’re not. The water remains shallow quite a long way out, so you won’t get out of your depth. This makes the location ideal, not least for novices and inexperienced surfers.