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Der ligger sne i Haderslev, Domkirken i baggrund.

Welcome to Haderslev

Photo:VisitHaderslev&Haderslev Domkirke
We have gathered all the great experiences and stories for you. From Aarø in the east to Gram in the west, there are activities for the whole family. We offer some unique experiences that you won't find anywhere else, and we guarantee entertainment for the entire family

There are many activities waiting for you in Haderslev Municipality with the free FunCard for the winter holidays!

Click on the image below to find out more.

Active with hearts and minds

In Haderslev Municipality, we create engaging experiences for you and your family, where you can share unique moments and enjoy your vacation. Some will get your adrenaline pumping, while others will provide the opportunity for reflection. Explore and be surprised! We are part of Southern Jutland's impressive history and fantastic culture. What should be the theme for your vacation? Are you into peace, contemplation, action and speed, or do you enjoy delving into history?


Find inspiration til din ferie: Haderslev Guide 2024

Visit the popular holiday island Aarø

Aarø is a treasure trove of local culinary experiences. Taste the local ingredients in beautiful natural surroundings or take the samples home to prolong the memories and the good taste. Enjoy a glass of wine at the island's very own vineyard. Visit and taste beer at Aarø Bryghus, Denmark's smallest brewery.

Stop by the beautiful Christmas church. Perhaps you should also join a beach safari or one of the other guided tours on Aarø. Experience the impressive wildlife reserve and end the day at Aarø's Pearl with freshly caught pan-fried flatfish. You can explore all these delights from the popular golf carts

Par nyder et glas vin på Aarø Vingård

The island vacation is only 7 minutes away

Photo: Destination Sønderjylland

You don't have enough time?

Read our 24 hour, 48 hour or 5 day guides to get the most out of your stay in Haderslev. We guide you on where to eat, where to stay, what to see and what not to miss!

Family fun in the great outdoors

Discover lush nature, see animals close quaters and Southern Jutland's largest lake on our electric lake boat. She glides siltenly across the water 
The boat trip takes 1.5 hours. 

Par med cykler sidder ombord på Haderslev Dambåd

Boattrip on Haderslev lake

Photo: Destination Sønderjylland

Future events

Where would you like to stay overnight?

Find inspiration for accommodation and weekend getaways. Bring the family on a cabin holiday, windmill getaway, or castle stay. Try glamping, a shelter trip, or stay at the campsites or one of our Bed and Breakfasts. Discover all accommodation options.

Enjoying camping in the sunshine at Gammelbro Camping

Sleep well

Photo: Jakob Knudsen

Contact the local tourist office


Apotekergade 11
6100 Haderslev
Tel. +45 73 70 92 21

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