Stock photo of the reunification festival at Dybbøl Banke in 1920

Top 10: Reunification between Denmark and Sønderjylland

Photo: Museum Sønderjylland

Wherever you go in Sønderjylland you can find traces of the Reunification. We have chosen 10 subjects that are all related to the time prior to the Reunification, around it and after 1920.

Genforeningsparken Aabenraa
Photo: Aabenraa Tourist

Genforeningsparken Aabenraa

The Reunification Park at Folkehjem in Aabenraa opened on 15 June 2016, on the 100th anniversary of South Jutland's Reunification with Denmark.

Skomagerhus border crossing
Photo: Raul Hirian

Skomagerhus border crossing

You will find Skomagerhus border crossing on the outskirts of Kollund forest, where Krusåen has its outlet in Flensburg Fjord. The border crossing was established after the reunification in 1920 and i...

Grænsesten ved Wassersleben
Photo: Destination Sønderjylland

A border with challenges

Deciding on the path of the border between Germany and Denmark in 1920 wasn’t always easy as Sønderjylland became Danish once more. 

Kanon foran Sønderborg Slot
Photo: Comwell Hotels

Sønderborg Castle

At Sønderborg Castle you can learn about the region’s fascinating past, as well as enjoying the castle’s many attractive features.

The Border Museum (Genforenings- og Grænsemuseet) - Close to Christiansfeld
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet

The Border Museum (Genforenings- og Grænsemuseet) - Close to Christiansfeld

The museum focuses upon the border and the Reunification – with the old border at Frederikshøj as its starting point.

Zeppelin and Garnison Museum - Tønder
Photo: Rømø-Tønder Turistbureau

Zeppelin and Garnison Museum - Tønder

During the forst world war the Germans established a large and very important airship base in the north of Tønder. Today there is small museum telling the history with pictures, documents, objects and...

Broager Church - Memorial stones WW1
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Broager Church - Memorial stones WW1

At the cemetery of Broager Church a memorial hill was raised for the fallen in World War 1 (1914-18).

164 memorial stones with names and dates of birth of the fallen from the area of Broager surround...

Deutsches Museum Nordschleswig
Photo: Deutsches Museum Nordschleswig

Deutsches Museum Nordschleswig

An important cultural hub and a source of knowledge and understanding, where visitors can discover the German heritage in Northern Schleswig.


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