Fiskehejre ved vandløb i Nørreskoven

Coast fishing at the island of Als

Photo: VisitSønderborg

Along the 258 kilometre coastline at island Als and inlet Flensborg Fjord in the Sønderborg-area, you will find many good angling spots.

Fishing license in Denmark

The fishing license from the Danish state is required of all anglers, from the age of 18 until earned right to Danish national pension (2025 = 67 years), who want´s to go fishing at the coastline, at sea or in lakes and coves connecting to the sea. 

NB. Since 16 March 2023 sales take place exclusively at

The prices of the State fishing license, per 1 August 2023 is; DKK 46 for 1 day, DKK 150 for 1 week and DKK 214 for 1 year (from date of purchase).

Fishing without a valid license leads to fine. 

The state fishing license is personal and cannot be transferred, and it is NOT permitted to sell the catch!

Limited catch, minimum length and closed season

The rules are limited to the fishing waters surrounding our part of the Baltic Sea, belts and sounds around island Als and Sundeved as well as the inlet Flensborg Fjord.

Catch restrictions

Cod in the Western Baltic Sea
Photo: Dennis Jacobsen - Colourbox

Cod in the Western Baltic Sea

Ban on cod fishing in 2025.

Lumpfish in the Western Baltic Sea
Photo: ©Roza (CC-BY-NC)

Lumpfish in the Western Baltic Sea

Ban on catching lumpfish in 2025

Eel in the Western Baltic Sea
Photo: Nevit Dilmen - Wikimedia commons

Eel in the Western Baltic Sea

Ban on eel fishing in 2025.


Salmon in the Western Baltic Sea

Ban on the catch of wild salmon and limited catch on farmed and released salmon in 2025.

Nybøl Nor - protection zone
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Nybøl Nor - protection zone

There is a special protection for sea trout in Nybøl Nor.


Minimum length in salt water

The specified measurements apply to Als and Sundeved (Subarea 22), and are measured in centimeters from snout to tail tip

Perch:20,0 Saithe:   -
Pike:60,0 Turbot:30,0
Sea trout:                  40,0 Plaice:     25,0
Whitefish:36,0 Herring:   -
Salmon:60,0 Flounder:23,0
Mackrel:   - Brill:30,0
Grey mullet:   - Lobster - full length: 21,0

Flensborg Inner Fjord

Additional lenght limits in Flensborg Inner Fjord

Turbot: 32,5    Plaice: 26,0    Flounder: 25,5.

Closed season in salt water

Trouts: 16 Nov - 15 Jan (applies for fish in breeding colours)
Pike: 1 Apr - 15 May (applies only for salt water)
Eel: 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Mar 2025 (applies only for recreational anglers)

Flensborg Inner Fjord

Additional closed season in Flensborg Inner Fjord

Eelpout: 1 Oct - 31 Jan (total length over 20 cm or with spawn)
Plaice: 15 Jan - 15 Mar (female with roe pouch longer then middle of the fish)
Flounder: 1 Jan - 15 May (female).

Fishing spots and fishing prohibited

A bit north of the city of Sønderborg, you'll find the bridge at Kær Vestermark, where it's possible to engage in handicap-friendly fishing. In addition to the fishing prohibition at Tritons Stenrev and Tranerodde, you should also be aware of the fishing ban in the harbor of Sønderborg as well as in the conservation zones.

See a comprehensive overview of fishing on our Google Map.

For a geographical view, choose 'Map'

Kegnæs Ende
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Kegnæs Ende

Good fishing spot facing the Flensburg Outer Fjord, at the end of the Kegnæs peninsula.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


Drejet connects the peninsula Kegnæs to the island of Als.

Gammel Pøl
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Gammel Pøl

Pøls Rev is one of Als's most famous fishing spots and many large sea trout are caught here.

Fishing at Mommark
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Fishing at Mommark

At Mommark Marina you can angel south of the harbour.

There is deep water right to the shore.

Voigt Strand
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Voigt Strand

From a sandbank along the coast you cast out over seaweed and large stones - ideally in a moderate southerly wind.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


Good area for sea trout, with fishing to both sides over a varied seabed.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


The water is deep with seaweed and large stones – a good fishing spot.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


The spot offers a good seabed with many small stones and the water depth increases quickly towards Als Fjord.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


The spot is situated north of Sønderborg city on the island of Als.

Dybbøl Strand
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Dybbøl Strand

Good space for wade fishing off Vemmingbund.

Photo: VisitSønderborg


Fishing spot on Broagerland facing Flensburg Innerfjord.

Fishing at Købingsmark
Photo: Petra Roth - Pixabay

Fishing at Købingsmark

Købingsmark lies on the northern part of the island of Als, close to one of the larger settlements with holiday homes.

Busholm Vej
Photo: AnnaER - Pixabay

Busholm Vej

Good spot at Broagerland when the wind is in north-northwest.

Fishing from the jetty at Kær Vestermark
Photo: SDFE/Visitsonderborg

Fishing from the jetty at Kær Vestermark

Wheelchair-accessible fishing spot from the jetty at Kær Vestermark

Tranerodde - fishing prehibited
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Tranerodde - fishing prehibited

Fishing is prehibited from Tranerodde Lighthouse in the southern direction and 25 metres out from the coastline, due to chemical polution.

Fishing prohibition at Tritons Stone reef
Photo: VisitSønderborg

Fishing prohibition at Tritons Stone reef

Teaching reef at the coast between Sønderborg Castle and Sønderborg Marina.

Angler hält Meerforelle über Wasser
Tight lines - go fishing at island Als
Hånd holder en aborre
Angling in fresh-, brackish waters and P&T
Lystfiskere i rød jolle
Trolling at the island Als
Grejbutikken Outdoor i Centrum
Fishing tackle shops

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