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Haderslev Lysfest

Haderslev Lysfest – Experience the biggest celebration in Denmark of the country´s Liberation in 1945 on May 4th in Haderslev.

Lysfest – the Light Festival, is a tradition that has been observed continuously in Haderslev since 1950. Every year more than 10,000 people meet up for the celebration in Haderslev. To see the huge flag be raised in the light of strong spotlights over the nighly sky, the 314 candles being lit in the windows of the barracks, to hear the freedom message – which brought the news of the liberation to the country in the evening of May 4th 1945 via BBC, to hear the speeches and in recent years also experience a spectacular light show on the façade of the impressive barracs building is quite a unique experience not to be missed.

An extensive program for the whole day, including the Haderslev Open Security Policy Summit with participation of parliamentarians and experts from Denmark and abroad, the march of hundreds of participants with torches through the city, exhibitions, live music and much more, offers unique experiences for everyone.


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