Broagerlands Lokalarkiv
Broagerland's Local Archive, established in 1981, covers the area of Broagerland with approx. 6500 inhabitants.
We collect, register and store records from individuals, associations, businesses and companies.
Among other things, we receive pictures (the collection includes about 6000 pictures in mid-February 2022), protocols, pedigrees, biographies, accounts and correspondence.
The materials are carefully packed and stored in a protective environment.
Our dissemination of the archive's content takes place i.a. via exhibitions, own website, the nationwide dissemination channel arkiv.dk, weekly opening hours, on Facebook and by answering written and telephone inquiries.
The archive's opening hours: Tuesday from 3 – 5 pm or by appointment on the remaining weekdays.
Under Download, you will find an overview of Sønderborg Municipality and which area the individual archives of local history cover.