Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke - engelsk

History Centre Dybbøl Banke

Photo: Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke

At History Centre Dybbøl Banke you’ll be swept into one of the most exciting chapters in Danish history at the exact place at which it played out.

EVENT: 1864 Days

During the school summer holidays, the History Center offers many experiences for both children and adults when they focus on the fate of the common soldier and the human costs of war. Find out more about their activities over the summer by clicking here.

Sommerferieaktiviteter på Dybbøl Banke
© Historie Center Dybbøl Banke
Photo: Historie Center Dybbøl Banke

In our reconstructed redoubt and soldiers’ camp you’ll hear vivid tales, as well as being able to try your hand at exciting activities for all age groups, whilst experiencing the war of 1864 at close quarters. 

By now, Private Johansen of the Danish forces isn’t sure whether it’s the Prussian shells or the lice and fleas that he’s most sick of. Private Petersen is threatened on his first guard duty by a fellow soldier simply because he comes from Schleswig. Young Erik Skram is longing to go into battle, but he’ll soon come to regret this yearning. A Prussian soldier, Bubbe, looks out on the grim battlefield following the great battle. And the little poodle, Flora, is desperate to follow her owner, Thomas, as he heads off to war. 

At History Centre Dybbøl Banke you can meet a number of characters from 1864 and hear their exciting accounts, which are both bleak and cheerful. And it’s precisely this type of storytelling that is the centre’s trademark, explains centre manager and curator Bjørn Østergaard.

We tell the story of the war of 1864 through the people that lived it. By means of old letters and diaries, we can get an insight into what the people were like and how they experienced the war.

And it isn’t just the historical figures that are active at the history centre; suddenly you and your family will be part of the dramatic events at Dybbøl Banke in 1864.

Accompanied by the song ’Dengang jeg drog af sted’ and under the orders of a commanding officer, you’ll march up to the public gallery where you’ll have to cover your ears as a cannon is fired with a huge bang.

Later, children can try to see if they have what it takes to be a soldier in 1864. You can make pancakes over the fire, cast rifle bullets at the forge and write letters using pen and ink. If you wish to dig a little deeper into the history of the Second Schleswig War in 1864, you can watch our two films, “Mennesker i krig”, a film about the people at war, and tales of rifles, cannons and a special theme in ”Det kloge kvarter”. 

Medarbejder (formidler) og barn i uniform skyder med trægevær på Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke

Photo:Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke

Did you know that...

History Centre Dybbøl Banke is one of Sønderborg’s Top Attractions? If you have a combi-ticket for Sønderborg’s Top Attractions, you’ll be able to visit each of the five attractions – Universe Science Park, History Centre Dybbøl Banke, Sønderborg Castle, the iconic windmill at Dybbøl Mølle and Cathrinesminde Brickworks  – once during the course of the season. The combi-ticket costs DKK 449,- for adults and DKK 289,- for children between the ages of 5 and 15. The ticket is valid from the day you buy it until 20 October 2024 – so you’ve got plenty of time to visit all five attractions. The combi-ticket can be bought online at booksonderjylland.dk

Familie ved en kanon på Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke
Photo: Destination Sønderjylland
Kanonsalut på Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke
Photo: Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke

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